Merry Meet!

Welcome to Maeleigh Ann's Secret Fae Garden
(formerly Jenna's and Kara's Secret Garden)!
It's a garden filled with the beauty and wonder
of magick. A safe place for children and
grown~ups to explore and dream...of pixy
dust, fairy
wings, and all truly magical things.

In these enchanted pages you'll find beautiful
fantasy art work, truly the best of the best, and
links to all of the artist's websites. We are happy
to announce our first Adoptables were just release
We have a Goodies page with lots to do. There's
also poetry, fae recipes, fairy spells and glamour,
magickal uses for plants, herbs, rocks, and
metals. Learn how to build you're own faery garden
and home. The list goes on and on. We also have
many links to some of the best free graphic
sites and Neopets help there is!!! We do hope
you'll explore our enchanted garden.

Blessed Be!
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Beautiful Art By Ms. Josephine Wall

19 April 2005.
Floater java script courtesy of
Kurt Grigg.
Copyright of Lil Kitty, 2000-2005.
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