Magical Fairy Plants and Herbs

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Plants and Herbs can very important, if not crucial, in Fairy Magic and Glamour.  Here you'll find a list I've composed of plants and herbs that are often used in Fae Magic, and what they are commonly used for.


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Trees have been homes to many creatures, including the fae, provideing both shelter and protection.  Other trees have personalities that are truly all their own, including those who have been said to roam the woods in the restless hours of night.
Alder is used as a charm against malevolent fae.  Alder trees are said to be protected by water sprites so be careful of cutting one down.
Apple Tree
The fruit or bark of an apple tree can be very useful in fairy magic, especially in love spells.  Apples bark is quite fragrant and is often added to incense as an offering to the fairies.  Apples are considered a suitable offering to the fae.
Ash trees provide protection from the fae.  It is said that they are unable to harm anyone who stands in the shadow of the ash tree. Ash berries placed in a cradle protect babies from being taken by fairies and traded for a changeling.

Birch trees are the tree of death. They may have a spirit associated with them which chase travellers in the dark, and if they catch this traveller,  by touching him on the head, he will die, and his body will be left with a white hand-print on it.


 It is said that witches can transform themselves into elder trees. A tree which is a transformed witch will bleed when cut. Elder is said to protect fairies from all that would do them harm.  Elderberry wine is considered fairy wine and drinking it enables you to see them.  Add dried elderberries to incense and burn to attract fairies to a gathering.

Elm trees are extremly sensitive; in fact, so sensitive, it has been said that if you cut one down, the one next to it will die of grief.
The hazel is a highly mystical tree. They are considered to be the tree of magical wisdom in Ireland, and in England, are associated with fertility. Because of these beliefs, a bag of hazelnuts would be a proper gift given to a bride at her wedding.
Any oak tree may provide a home to fairies, elves, and many other beings or creatures. Dryads are known as the oak tree nymphs.

The willow is another tree with animate qualities. At night, a willow will uproot and wander after travellers. Willows are not dangerous, however, they are often heard muttering:

"Ellum do grieve,
Oak he do hate,
Willow do walk,
If yew travels late."
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Flowers and Herbs
Blackthorn trees and shrubs are sacred to fairies. The Blackthorn fae, known as the Luantishees, have their own festival on November 11th.
Considered to be one of the most potent plant for fairy magic, people have been said to become enchanted by fields of Bluebells and held captive by the fae.Planting bluebells in your garden is sure to attract fairies.  They are said to be called by the sounds of bluebells chiming.  Beware the presence of a malicious fairy if you hear the ringing of a bluebell.
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Fields of clover are said to attract fairies.  Four-leaf clovers are especially useful.  They are said to provide protection and break fairy spells and glamour.  Wearing one in your hat or anointing yourself with ointment made from a four-leaf clover gives you the ability to see invisable fae.
Cowslip blossoms are adored by fairies, who use them for umbrellas. They are very useful in fairy magic and are considered to be helpful in finding fairy treasures.
Edmund Canterbell wrote "That they do dwell within the cowslip hollow is truth for I have seen them fly out in intoxicated abandon."
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Daffodils are used for evoking fairies and elves.
Daisies are useful in fairy magic. Putting a daisy chain on a child is said to prevent fairies from carrying him or her away.
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Fairy Wand
Fairy Wands (Dierama pulcherrima) are used to call upon the fae for help.
Fennel is known to repel the Faeries. It is hung over doors to prevent them from entering a house. Also, farmers smeared a fennel ointment on cow's udders to prevent the Faeries from stealing the milk.
Ferns are said to be favored by pixies and are often seen near them.
Forget-me-nots are another flower that provides protection from the fae.  They unlockthe secrets of fairies and pave the way to their treasures.
Foxglove a.k.a. Fairy Thimbles, Fairy Glove, Fairy Fingers, Fairy's Cap, Fairy Weed, and Little Folks' Glove is strongly associated with the fae, who leave their fingerprints on the flowers by wearing them as hats ands gloves.  The plant is is used for evoking earth elements including elves.  The leaves and juice break enchament spells.  Also, wearing the flower attracts fairy energy. This plant is poisonous!
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Heather stalks are food for the fae.  A field of heather may contain the portal to the Fairy Realm.
Holly berries are a known favorite fairy food.
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Lavendar, a.k.a. elf leaf, is used in elf magic.
Lilac attracts faires to a garden by it's fragrant scent.
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Morning Glories
By planting morning glories in your garden you will keep away any hostile faeries.
Mugwort is planted loved by mermaids. Also, if you put some of it in your shoes, you can run all day free from the pain of sore feet.
Mushrooms and Toadstools
Mushrooms and Toadstools are said to be used  by small fairies as stools and umbrellas.  A circle of mushrooms is said to be a fairy ring or circle where fae have danced, and are dangerous.
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Another well-known flower that, when planted in a garden, is said to attract fairies.
To prevent a member from being taken by fairies, a sprig of pearlwort should be hung above the front door.
Peonies are a charm used to bring dreams of the fae.
Primroses, considered to be another important  fairy flower, were thought to give fairies the power of invisibility. Eating primrose will give grant the ability to see those fairies. Hang a spray of these flowers from your door to invite fairies to enter your home and recieve a fairy blessing.  To repel fairies from entering, scatter primrose outside your door.Planting primroses  is a sure way of attracting fairies to your garden.  Keep in mind that you must take care of these plants well because if you don't, you will become their enemy.
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Rose bushes are a wonderful way to attract fairies to your garden.  The petals  can be used fairy magic and are especially useful for love spells.
Rosemary is useful for keeping malicious fairies away, but when burned as incense, it will attract the fae.
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St. John's Wort
This plant is said to offer protection from fairies and their magic.
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Wearing either a sprig of wild thyme, or essential oil can help to see fairies. If you sprinkle dried thyme on doorsteps and windowsills, it is an invitation to the fae to enter your home.  If you are lucky enought to find wild thyme on a fairy mound, you will have a very potent herb for fairy magic.
The Faeries are said to adore tulips in the garden. They become upset if they are cut and, even more so, if they are sold for money. It is considered most unlucky to do so.
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Violets are used in many fairy spells and are considered especially sacred to the Fairy Queen. 
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Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.

Dr. Martin Luther King