The Fae
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About me
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My Rings
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I love you


My perfect fantasy...
My sad reality!



Although my heart lies somewhere tropical on a sandy white beach surrounded by crystal clear water the rest of me, for the time being, is in Evansville, Indiana aka Hick Hell surrounded by cornfields and toxic pollutants from the surrounding "industrial parks".  As you can tell, home isn't always where your heart is!!!

My Work...
Once my oldest starts school I plan to go back to work again.  As of right now I'm just a CNA.  I hope to finish college sometime in the future.  To be what?  Maybe a nurse.  My last job was at a State Psychiatric Facility and I actually loved it.  The patients were the best.   Most were pretty normal (thanks to lot's and lot's of heavy drugs).   Don't get me wrong...there were murderers, child rapists, and and a few sociopaths (which are the scariest because they have the intelligence and lack of empathy to be capable of anything) but most pretty normal.  Oh, the stories I could tell...

A Few of My Favorite Things

First, my girls are my two favorite people...no others could ever compare!

As you can see I love and collect anything fairy.  Jessica Galbreth is without a doubt my favorite Fantasy artist.  She is the reason this page is so beautiful.  I also joined her webring! I love fairies so much I want to get a fairy tat soon.

I am a CSI junkie. 

Traveling...especially Florida to visit my mom. Also Atlanta  and New Orleans.  Mardi Gras is a must!  I've been twice.    

Movies of all types but especially japanese horror, psychological thrillers, and tragic love stories...someone has to die!

Music of all types~especially Blues, R&B, Jazz, Alternative, Industrial, ect...The list could go on & on & on!

For Mom


Feel Free to email me!!!  Click here.

Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.

Dr. Martin Luther King