For My Mom

The Fae
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I love you

Mommy dearest...

You've taught me so many things...No wire hangers!!!  Just kidding. This includes being very creative with little or no money! I know you can buy what you want or need so once again I've been "creative" (aka broke) and made you a "virtual" present.  This isn't some typical page.  We made it just for you...

Seen any big boys lately???


Mom, this is a link even Captain Happy would appreciate.  We are not alone!!!


Election 2004: Never Underestimate The Power of Stupid People In Large Groups! GOP does not spell GOD.

Click the pic!

Mom-Click your astrological sign for your natal chart and  reading.  The time is according to Mamaw so I hope it's right.

Those of us who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war. 
Martin Luther King Jr

all animated gifs (c) Kitty Roach

Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.

Dr. Martin Luther King