For My Mom!!!

The Fae
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A Poem for My Mommy!!! 

*You count the sprinkles on each kids cupcake to make sure they're equal!
*You take out a contract on the kid who broke your childs 
favorite toy and made her cry!
*You only have enought time to shave one leg at a time.
*You hide in the bathroom to be alone...that  trick still 
doesn't work yet.
*Your kid throws up and you catch're a pro
 at that!
*Someone elses kid throws up and you keep eating.
*You consider finger paint to be a controlled substance.
*You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.
*You say atleast once a day that you "aren't cut out
for this job" but you know you wouldn't trade
 it for anything.
            Mom, you da' rizzzle!

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Mom, This buds for you!!!

Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.

Dr. Martin Luther King